Ready to Upload Your Products?
First, we congratulate you for registering as a vendor on we are committed to help your online store grow. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any question about our platform and services.
The only way you can upload your products on is by registering as a vendor on Offenmart. We have a blog that guides interested vendors who wish to register. For now let’s show you how vendors upload products via the following simple 6 steps.
Step 1
Open your browser and type in and this takes you to the landing page of Offenmart online marketplace.
Go to the Menu: Account/Register
At the menu let your cursor hover over Account /Register. Next, you see a drop down giving the option to register as a vendor or go to your store as a registered vendor.
Click on Store Manager
Next click on store manager to take you to the login page.
Step 2
Log In
Use the registration details to log into your store. You can request for your password reset if you can’t remember your password. You would get a message in your email.
Step 3
Your Online Store
When you are successfully logged in you would be taken to this page as presented in the image below.
Now you have access to your online store. It is a robust store where you have access to your products, sales, orders, payments etc. You can update your business profile, store logo, or key in details concerning your store.
But for now let us concentrate on your products. Go to Step 4
Step 4
Add New Product(s)
There are 2 images here to show you how to locate your products or how to add new products.
To check your products, just click on products. To add a new product, hover over the product menu and you woudl see “Add New”. Then click on “Add New” which takes you to another new page. Check step 5
Step 5
Fill in Details of New Product and Submit.
This is the moment you have been waiting for.
In the dropdown choose produt type (preferably, choose simple product)
Type in the name of the product
I guess you have the Image of the product (it should be less than 100kb) Each store is given a specific space limit on the website.
You can add more than 1 image of the same type of product.
You type in the price in Naira. Ensure you have your conversion rate right if you are from outside Nigeria. You can contact our team for assistance.
Type in the description of the products.
And next choose the category of the product. (If you are not sure of the category, you can leave it and we would choose a category for you during the review).
After you are done click on the “submit for review” button. Your product goes through review to confirm that you followed the terms and conditions of the website and that your have filled in your details correctly. If there are clarifications to be made, our team would contact the Vendor. Next, go to step 6>>>
Step 6
Add Another (New) Product or Log Out From Your Store Manager.
After you click the submit button you wait for the offenmart team to review your product before it is shown at the store. This takes 3 hrs to 24 hrs. You may contact us for a speedy review process.
Also note, you can add more that one product by clicking the”Add New” button at the top right of the page, or follow the previous process.
Lastly, if you are done, go to the bottom left of the page to log out of the store manager.